Email and Internet
The student webmail is hosted in Google (cloud computing), which provides a platform for the students to communicate and collaborate with the academic staff.
Login for first time user
Username : Curtin Malaysia Email Address
Password : DDMMYYXx [e.g. DOB: 01/01/1998, Name: Abraham]
[Date of birth in (DD/MM/YY) format where Xx is the first two letters of your name – Uppercase & lowercase]
The login page will be or you may also browse it from the Curtin website. If you need to reset the password you may either visit ICT Helpdesk or email to us at as there is no option to recover the password such as the one used by Gmail.
Email Guidelines:
- Logon to Student Webmail (Curtin Malaysia)
- Configure Student Webmail for Outlook (Curtin Malaysia)
- Student Email Forwarding (Curtin Perth)
- Logon to Student Webmail (Curtin Perth)
Curtin Hotspot currently available at these locations:
- HERON 1 (John Curtin Building)
- HERON 2 (Faculty of Business & Humanities)
- HERON 3 (Recreation & Event Centre)
- FALCON 1 (Harry Perkins Lecture Theatre & LT Foyer)
- FALCON 3 (Food Court)
- PRINIA 1 (GP401) Ground Floor & First Floor
- PRINIA 2 (GP402) Ground Floor & First Floor
- PRINIA 3 (GP403) Ground Floor & First Floor
- HORNBILL 1 & 2 (Learning Centre and ICT Centre)
Instructions to connect to Curtin Hotspot:
Non Restricted – Apps/Sites
- Skype
- Safari/Opera/Chrome/Firefox
Time Restricted Access – Apps/Sites
Limited access from 7:30 AM – 6:00 PM (Weekdays)
Weekend: No restriction
- Youtube
- Dropbox
- Other mobile apps or websites that are not listed above may not necessarily work/accessible through Curtin Hotspot.
- User can only connect to 1 device at a time. It is advisable to re-connect to CurtinHotspot if you’re unable to browse Internet after 3 minutes.
- Mobile application’s update is not available through Curtin Hotspot, e.g. Google Play Store, Apple iTunes.
- All users are bound by the rules and regulations stated in the ICT Policies & Procedures.
The Internet Access in the housing is provided to support the academic related activities for Student and Staff that stays in the housing. Therefore, the Access is limited in order to ensure that the service is optimally utilized for Academic related purpose.
Users are obliged and adhere to:
- Internet access must be study or work related.
- Computer use is up to date with all related software updates.
- Computer use is up to date with a licensed version.
- Computer use is up to date with to date virus scanner installed and enabled.
- User must not download or share copyright or illegal material.
- User must not attempt to by pass any restrictions placed on your access.
The availability of Internet Access in the housing is on a best effort 24 hours.
Any computer with Network Interface Card (NIC) installed. The NIC must support Ethernet/Fast Ethernet connection with the speed of 100/1000 Megabits per second (MBps). The connector of NIC must be a Registered Jack 45 type (RJ45).
The cable is an Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) category 5 (CAT5e). The recommended length of the cable is not exceeded 5 meters between the wall connector and the NIC inside the computer. Further cable length might cause signal loss that could lead to unavailability of the network. It is recommended to align the cables connecting to computer from any electromagnetic interference (EMI) instrument. This is not limited to: mobile phone, electronic musical instruments and any wireless communication transceiver.
Activities blocked and/or restricted.
- Accessing inappropriate and pornographic content.
- Peer to peer applications.
- Video/Audio conferencing.
- Streaming Video/Audio.
- Network based games.
- Inter flats traffic.
Using external proxy service to bypass filtering (i.e. raw sockets, socks or http/https proxy)
Hosting or using any form of services or devices that circumvent the current Student housing network connection (i.e. hosting a share internet access, putting in a personal switch, AP etc.)
Dishonest or illegal actions. (i.e. plagiarizing an assignment presenting someone else’s work as your own.)
Hacking into, meddling with, or damaging any other computer or service. (i.e. trying to “break into” or “crash” another computer on the network and/or Internet.)
Using another person’s identity or authorization codes (i.e. using someone else’s username, password or Internet address.)
Using any hacking tools, whether hardware or software based, without written permission from the
University. (i.e. “packet sniffer” and “password crackers”)
Viewing, storing, sending, or giving access to material which is prohibited, or defined as objectionable by the Curtin University Malaysia policy and/or JARING Acceptable Use Policy, Computer Crime Act 1997 (M), Copyright (Amendment) Bill 1997 (M), Communication and Multimedia Act 1998 (M). (i.e. materials on child pornography, incitement to violence, torture, or bestiality)
Giving a person under the age of eighteen years access to material restricted as defined by the Curtin University Malaysia policy and/or JARING Acceptable Use Policy, Computer Crime Act 1997 (M), Copyright (Amendment) Bill 1997 (M), Communication and Multimedia Act 1998 (M). (i.e. materials on sex, drug misuse or addiction, crime, cruelty, and violence)
Harassing any person (i.e. sending obscene language messages, pictures or other materials; issuing threats of bodily harm; contacting a person repeatedly without legitimate reason; disrupting another person’s lawful pursuits; and invading another person’s privacy)
Hosting servers (i.e. web/mail/ftp/IRC/database/proxies/game etc these will be blocked)
Sending electronic mail using a “spoofed” email address.
Refer to Housing Policy on rules and regulations, as well as the browser’s proxy settings.